Scorecard Modification - Feb 2023
We recently discovered an issue with the driver scorecard report that can cause confusion for our users.
As you may be aware, you can override the default scorecard infractions for posted speed violations by applying thresholds in the notifications section of FieldLogix. However, if you establish a buffer value before notifications are triggered (i.e. every 2 updates before the notification is triggered), violations below the set buffer will display as infractions in the scorecard.
For example, if a driver has set with a buffer of 2 (meaning that 2 consecutive posted speed violations on the highway have to occur before the notification is triggered), then it would take 2 posted speed violation events before the notification is triggered, but any single posted speed violation events would still be included in the scorecard.
This issue will confuse users who review the notifications report and see no infractions, while the scorecard shows infractions.
We are modifying the scorecard effective Friday 2/24/23 to exclude infractions below the buffer so our scorecard matches the notifications report. This will only be applied on a go forward basis and historical records will remain as is.
If you are using the buffer for your notifications, then you will notice a reduction in posted speed violations on the safety scorecard starting on Friday 2/24/23. If you are not using the buffer for notifications, you will not see a change in the infractions on the scorecard report. Again, we will not modify historical records to ensure that the historical scores remain consistent.