Benefits of Field Resource Management
Our innovative features are designed to help you complete more jobs, reduce fuel consumption, and optimize your fleet’s performance.
Improve Customer Service
According to The Aberdeen Group’s study on the effect of GPS fleet tracking benefits have been measured with tangible data. When companies implemented a fleet tracking system, they often realize a 23% increase in the total number of service calls completed per day per technician, an average of a 46% increase in the percentage of time that service technicians arrive within the promised response time, and a 16.4% increase in service revenues because of improvement in customer service alone.
Improve Dispatching
FieldLogix gives you instant access to the location and status of your fleet vehicles, employees, and equipment. We give you the ability to determine which of your resources are near your jobs so you can make quick dispatch decisions and be more responsive to your customers.
Reduce Fuel Costs
The Aberdeen Group recently concluded that GPS vehicle tracking systems have helped companies reduce fuel costs by 13.2% on average. FieldLogix helps keep vehicle fuel costs low by reducing excessive vehicle idling and speeding, improving the routing of vehicles, and eliminating side jobs.
Reduce Labor Costs
Fleet vehicle tracking can also help you reduce your labor costs significantly. A study by Motorola recently concluded that companies save an average of $5,484 per employee per year by utilizing GPS technology.
Increase Revenue
GPS vehicle tracking & routing technology helps companies add more jobs to each work day. Companies see a 25% increase in work orders completed after implementing GPS tracking systems to reduce “windshield time”.
Improve Fleet Maintenance
With our technology, you can closely monitor the health of your vehicles to ensure that they remain on the road and out of the shop. According to Automotive Fleet, the average vehicle breakdown costs a fleet $634 per day due to the associated downtime, rental, and repair costs. Our technology will alert you when your vehicles have engine problems and when they are due for service to ensure that they remain in service.
Improve Driver Safety
Anyone who manages a fleet understands that a vehicle is a “rolling liability”. According to the FMCSA the average accident costs a fleet $22,000, which increases to $331,000 if there is an injury and further increases to $7.1 million if there is a fatality. We can help you identify and correct risky driving habits that are likely to cause an accident.
Increase Security
Equipment theft is a perpetual problem for organizations. According to the National Equipment Register, vehicle & equipment theft costs organizations $400 million annually. We will notify you if your vehicles and equipment are tampered with or stolen.
Improve Payroll Accuracy
According to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, payroll fraud occurs within 30% of all organizations, with the average incident costing $154,000. Our technology can provide you with an accurate record of shift times start and end times with GPS locations.
Improve Billing Accuracy
Customer billing disputes are a hassle. Not only do they reduce job profitability, but they can tarnish your relationships with your customers, which may be difficult to repair. We can help you verify the accuracy of your employees’ time on job sites and provide proof of labor hours for your invoices.
Improve Utilization
Underutilized vehicles and equipment is a waste of resources. There may be opportunities to use your existing vehicles and equipment for jobs instead of making new purchases. We will help you identify underutilized resources so you can make smarter purchasing decisions.
Improve Compliance
Our technology helps you comply with contractual obligations as well as government mandates. We provide you with job records, mileage records, and driver hours of service records to meet your contractual and legal obligations.
Improve Job Costing
Our technology helps you get a better handle over the time that your resources spend on your job sites. This gives you more accurate figures to use for vehicle and equipment cost allocation to your job sites.
Improve Inventory Management
Get a better idea of where your resources are so you can make better allocation and management decisions. This helps you ensure that your resources are where they need to be when they need to be there.