Our mobile time clock could be used by your employees to clock in and out of each job site. The drivers could enter job codes to ensure that their work is allocated to each completed task.
Improve Job Costing
Tom is managing several jobs and is having a difficult time staying on top of his labor & equipment costs for each job. His workers are supposed to clock in and out of each job site, but they often forget to do so and it throws his numbers off. He determined that his job costing numbers are off by as much as 10% due to this missing data. When he ran the calculations, it comes up to a staggering……
$3 Million dollars.
Tom can’t figure out how to allocate this money and it could be making some jobs appear to be more profitable than they actually are.
Tom then realized that he could use a telematics solution to track jobs site arrival and departure times. He could use the system to track the time that his vehicles enter and exit geofences to correct the missing time clock records. He figures that he can use the telematics data to properly allocate the missing $3 million dollars to the appropriate jobs.
FieldLogix can show you…
Job site entry & exit times
Our landmarks report displays the times that your employees entered and exited job sites. This could be used to allocate their time on each job site. It could also be used to allocate vehicle and equipment time within job sites for your job costing calculations.
Operating hours
Our engine hours report can be used to track the amount of time your equipment or vehicles operate within a job site to allocate job costs on a per hour usage basis.
Job site work hours