You can monitor the operating hours for all of your vehicles over an extended period of time to quickly determine whether you are getting a full day’s work out of each of your vehicles. You can discover which vehicles may only be operating during a portion of the day before deciding on purchasing additional vehicles.
Improve Fleet Utilization
It is hard for Robert to figure out which vehicles he no longer needs. His fleet of 300 vehicles is scattered around the entire east coast and he doesn’t have a clear idea of which vehicles might be parked for weeks on end. This creates problems for him as he tries to plan his vehicle purchases and disposals. One day, he discovered that over 20% of his fleet……..
was non-operational for a period of 6 months due to a project that was recently completed.
During this time, he purchased 20 new vehicles unnecessarily. If he was using a telematics system, he could have discovered this issue immediately and would have saved himself from the expense of purchasing the new vehicles.
With FieldLogix you can:
Monitor fleet utilization
You can monitor mileage travelled by all of your fleet vehicles over a month, quarter, or year to quickly determine which vehicles are being under-utilized.
Monitor operating hours