NFL to use GPS Tracking on players, NBA may follow suit

In recent years, technology has increasingly made its way into the National Football League (NFL), and this year is no different, as NFL officials recently announced that within the next few seasons, all players will be wearing non-obtrusive GPS tracking devices during games and practices. A league memo was sent to all 32 teams in […]

Can self-driving cars help save the environment?

Believe it or not automobiles capable of human trasport have been around for over 200 years now! Since the advent of the automobile, engineers and designers have been focusing on ensuring our comfort and safety mostly be implementing automation and greater efficiency technologies such as  automatic door locks, check engine light, self-parking, seat belt reminders, […]

Drive fast if you have gas money to burn!

Intuitively, you know that the faster you drive, the more gas you burn, but do you often wonder about about what that trade-off really is? Recently, three engineers at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory have calculated the answer to this question. For example, if you drive 60 mph on your next trip, […]

Fleet Telematics: Balancing Commercial and Environmental Concerns

Clean Cities, a Department of Energy initiative that started 20 years ago, is made up of a number of regional coalitions that work with public and private fleets to help ease the transition to alternative fuels. Clean Cities also helps fleets that aren’t ready to make the switch to alternative fuels by offering information on emerging […]

Carriers Continue to be Conservative in Replacing Fleet Equipment

According to the 4th Quarter 2012 Business Expectations Survey, carriers will continue to be very conservative in replacing their fleet equipment over the next year. There is an increase in carriers planning to acquire 11% to 25% of their tractor fleets, 60% of the smaller carriers and 45% of larger carriers indicated they were going […]

How to Turn Off Apple iOS 6’s Tracking System

Have you upgraded to Apple’s iOS 6, yet? By now, you have probably heard about most of the new features included with the upgrade. Have you heard that this new operating system is the first from Apple that offers a “feature called the Advertising Identifier, a.k.a. the IDFA.” This change is to circumvent privacy and […]

GPS Tracking System Helps Recover Stolen Money From Bank

A GPS tracking system was used to recover a bag stuffed full of stolen hundred dollar bills from a Bank of America branch in Buffalo, New York. The bag full of money was hidden inside a garbage can. Thanks to the GPS tracking system, police were able to quickly recover the money. The police will not disclose how […]

FieldLogix CEO to moderate MobileCON Panel

San Diego, CA October 2, 2012 – FieldLogix, provider of an award-winning Green GPS vehicle and asset management solution for North American businesses, announced today that Yukon Palmer, Founder and CEO of FieldLogix, will moderate a panel of M2M industry thought leaders at the upcoming MobileCON 2012 as part of their new Thought Leadership series. […]

GPS Tracking Could Have Prevented Burglary, Crash

On June 15, the Uxbridge, MA, police received two calls regarding Patricia Malone, 46. The initial call was from her ex, reporting Malone violated a no-trespassing court-order, broke into and burglarizing his house. The second call was from officer Thomas B. Stockwell Jr., reporting Malone for erratic driving. She was driving on the golf course […]

Smartphones Are Always-On Trackers

A British cell phone carrier recently surveyed smartphone users, asking for which purposes are the phones used. Telephone calling ranked fifth. More frequently cited activities included checking email, social media, listening to music, and playing games. Since phones are more frequently used for things other than making or receiving calls and are always used as […]

GPS Aids Police in Finding Stolen Truck and Thieves

Responding to a witness’ call about an attempted ATM theft, the Minnehaha County (South Dakota) Sheriffs started searching for the observed get-away truck. By the time the vehicle was found, it was abandoned. Police received another call. Midwestern Mechanical reported one of their trucks was stolen. Because Midwestern Mechanical equipped all its fleet vehicles with […]

Tracking Students for Profit

Jay High School and Jones Middle School, both within the Northside Independent School District of San Antonio, Texas, are using students as real-life test subjects to test RFID (radio frequency identification) technology. More than 6,000 students are a part of this test. The schools claim that monitoring the students’ locations is both a safety and a […]

Secret Service To Use GPS Trackers

Recently, the U.S. Secret Service posted a Request for Quotation (RFQ) intended to procure 200 brand name or Equal PT300 Sendum (GPS) Trackers. The contract winner will be determined “based on three factors: Technical Capability, i.e. conformity with technical specifications and warranty requirements; ability to meet Delivery terms; and, Overall Price.” According to Sendum’s website, the PT300 […]

NYC Is Watching, 24 Hours

At the recent Aspen Security Forum in Aspen, Colorado, New York Police Department Commissioner Raymond Kelly spoke about the city’s new Domain Awareness System. The system will work in tandem with the city’s currently-existing 3,000+ closed-circuit television cameras and license plate readers to provide city-wide surveillance. Microsoft developed the software program. The program combines several streams of information, which may or […]

“Find My Phone” App Finds Robbers

Have you ever misplaced your cell phone? If so, you might have used a “find my phone” app(lication) designed to help users locate their lost smartphone via GPS tracking technology. According to Apple Consultant Jeremy Durrwachter, it’s a simple app. The app “stemmed from.. people losing their phones. . . .” Durrwachter said. Although, the […]

Ex-Boyfriend uses GPS Tracking to Stalk Woman

As GPS tracking devices continue becoming smaller, they can be placed more discreetly on to just about anything, including an unsuspecting person’s vehicle. One Texas woman knows this too well. A few years ago, she noticed that her ex-boyfriend from California kept showing up where she was. It happened too frequently to be coincidental. The kicker was […]

FieldLogix Hammered to Build Homes for Habitat for Humanity

As part of FieldLogix’ outreach program, the staff recently took a day off from its selling and servicing Green GPS Tracking Solutions and closed the office for a day to help Habitat for Humanity build four local houses.  The team worked on properties in Imperial Beach, California. Without having much construction experience, our staff took direction […]

Missile-Tracking Technology Tracks Basketball For Better Performance

Missile-Tracking Technology Tracks Basketball For Better Performance Sport is getting more scientific with the use of SportVu. SportVu, currently used in 10 NBA arenas, uses a series of webcams and algorithms derived from a missile-tracking system to record the location of the basketball and referees in 3D space, 25 times per second. This fitness tracking […]

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