Field Technologies Receives Financing From Union Bank Of California

San Diego , CA – May 15, 2006 – Field Technologies, a leading provider of GPS vehicle and asset tracking solutions, has announced that it has recently received outside financing from Union Bank of California. This allows the company to complete its product development efforts for FieldLogix and expand its marketing efforts.

FieldLogix Increases Revenue By 420% in 2005

San Diego , CA – January 31, 2006 – FieldLogix, a leading provider of GPS vehicle and asset tracking solutions, has announced that it has increased its annual revenue by 420% for the year of 2005. Furthermore, the Company has increased the number of GPS tracking units deployed throughout the U.S. by 319% from 2004 […]

Field Technologies Moves To A New Larger Facility

San Diego, CA – January 1, 2006 – Field Technologies, a leading provider of GPS vehicle and asset tracking solutions, has announced that it has moved once again to a larger facility.The Company recently completed its move in order to meet its demands for a larger facility to accommodate its continued growth. “Our dramatic growth […]

GPS Tracking – Putting The Money Back In Your Pocket

October 11, 2005 – San Diego, CA – When any company decides to invest money in a new technology one of the first questions they ask is, “are we going to see a return?” In more simple terms, “is this worth the money?” Without answering those questions it is easy to jump into an investment […]

GPS – A Thief’s Worst Nightmare

October 3, 2005 – San Diego, CA By Tim Parlier In August of 2005 law enforcement agencies in Ventura County stopped a 9-state equipment theft crime ring. The operation required “9,000 hours of investigation” and “netted 2 arrests, nearly 26,000 pieces of equipment valued at $3.5 million, and helped 215 victims from 64 cities in […]

Field Technologies Deploys 189% More GPS Tracking Units in 2004

San Diego, CA – January 15, 2005 – Field Technologies, a leading provider of GPS vehicle and asset tracking solutions, has announced that it has increased the number of GPS tracking units deployed throughout the US by 189% from 2003 to 2004.

Field Technologies Announces Its Commitment To Business Ethics

San Diego , CA – July 15, 2004 – Field Technologies, a leading provider of GPS vehicle and asset tracking solutions, has announced its commitment to the Better Business Bureau. In addition to the BBB membership, the company also participates in the BBB OnLine Privacy Seal program. As a BBB member, Field Technologies is committed […]

Field Technologies Moves To A New Facility

San Diego, CA — December 15, 2003 — Field Technologies, a leading provider of GPS vehicle and equipment tracking systems has moved to a new facility in the Kearny Mesa area of San Diego, California. Due to the company’s incredible growth, it has moved to the new facility located near Aero Drive and Ruffin Rd. […]

Field Technologies Adds Dipanshu Sharma To Its Board Of Advisors

San Diego, CA — April 8, 2003 — Field Technologies, a leading provider of GPS vehicle and equipment tracking systems has added Dipanshu Sharma to its Board of Advisors. Dipanshu Sharma is the CTO and founder of V-Enable, a San Diego based wireless company. He has joined to provide us with strategic, financial and technological […]

Field Technologies Selects Eddie Rodriguez As Its Legal Consul

San Diego, CA — March 4, 2003 — Field Technologies, a leading provider of GPS vehicle and equipment tracking systems has selected Eddie Rodriguez of Fish & Richardson as its legal consul.

Field Technologies Adds Charles Jadallah To Its Board Of Advisors

San Diego, CA — April 4, 2004 — Field Technologies, a leading provider of GPS vehicle and equipment tracking systems has added Charles Jadallah to its Board of Advisors.

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