FieldLogix Blog

The Top 6 Frustrations for Fleet Managers in 2023

As fleet management evolves at an unprecedented pace, fleet managers find themselves facing a variety of challenges that require nimble… Read more »

How AI Works – A Salad Analogy

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the most discussed topics throughout the world today. Unfortunately, many people paint a picture… Read more »

6 Reasons Why Fleet Maintenance Is Crucial To Effective Fleet Management

Fleet maintenance is a critical aspect of managing a fleet of vehicles, regardless of its size or industry. Neglecting proper… Read more »

6 Green Fleet Management Tips to Improve Fleet Sustainability

Environmental consciousness is on the rise and businesses are increasingly recognizing the importance of fleet sustainability. Green fleet management practices… Read more »

April 2023 Feature Releases

April 6, 2023 – FieldLogix announces several exciting new product updates. These new features include the integration of the dash… Read more »

How Logistics Impacts the Environment

Our friends at Applandeo recently published an article covering the environmental impact of logistics.  The article notes that logistics operations… Read more »

3 Effective Ways to Minimize Construction Fleet Management Costs

Fleet management is a crucial part of the entire construction project management process. Because construction vehicles are integral to the… Read more »

The Mileage Tax is Coming Soon

The mileage tax is inevitable. This tax is a fee charged to drivers for every mile driven on local roads… Read more »

Lower Your Fleet’s Risk by Implementing Telematics

The distracted driver epidemic and escalating claim settlements are having a large effect on the auto liability insurance market. Companies… Read more »

October 2022 Feature Releases

October 7, 2022 – FieldLogix announces several exciting new product updates. These new features give our customer more reporting capabilities… Read more »

Auto Insurance Fraud and Your Fleet

Auto insurance fraud is considered as a “big business” for criminals.  Fraudulent accidents also tend to increase dramatically during economic… Read more »

Improve The Delivery Experience For Your Clients

In today’s hyper-competitive business environment, it is important for companies delivering products and services to focus on providing a great… Read more »
