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January 17th, 2012

San Diego Metro: Most Admired Companies in 2011 – FieldLogix


San Diego Metro Magazine Recognizes FieldLogix

FieldLogix is proud to announce that it has been selected by San Diego Metro as One of “The Most Admired Companies in San Diego in 2011.”

FieldLogix,  an industry leader in Green GPS fleet tracking technology, was built with no outside financing and has grown to support thousands of vehicles throughout the US.

Companies using FieldLogix’s GPS-based fleet tracking system experience lower fuel consumption, equating to reduced fuel costs, lower maintenance costs, improved customer response time, lower fleet emissions and reduced insurance costs, plus increased employee productivity and efficiency.

FieldLogix’s fleet tracking system helps companies throughout the US reduce costs and management headaches. It shows companies what their field employees are doing and holds them accountable.

A wireless fleet tracking system can put a spotlight on a driver’s habits that consume excessive fuel and emit unnecessary pollution. The most frequent of these activities include excessive speeding, idling and sudden acceleration and stops. Tracking these types of activities is essential to achieving a fuel-efficient green fleet.

A fleet tracking system can provide an ROI in less than six months and immediately reduce fuel consumption, plus produce ecological benefits.

FieldLogix’s original business plan is part of the coursework for the SDSU graduate business program and is highlighted in graduate level business courses throughout the world (Finland, Hong Kong, etc.).

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