Accidents and surprising expenses always happen but don’t get shut down for this minor thing. The failure to keep up-to-date maintenance documents could make your business be shut down for a possible imminent hazard to public safety. Due to a failure to submit paperwork the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has ordered a Massachusetts company, Flavio Borges Prado, doing business as Golden Eagle Delivery to terminate all operations on June 9, 2016.
Flavio Borges Prado failed to submit New Entrant Safety Audit which is a necessary document for federal regulations. This resulted in a federal investigation that began in April of this year. After the company submitted their form the order was lifted and they started business operations again.
While continuing the investigation one of the company truck’s parking brake failed causing the vehicle to roll down a hill, smashing into a residential housing structure injuring the driver and causing significant damages to the property. Another incident occurred one month later where the brake of the vehicle failed causing a breakdown in the middle of a travel lane.
In addition to these accident costs violating the imminent hazard order process may result in a penalty of up to $25,000, operating without necessary authority may result in a fine of no less than $10,000, additionally, operating without a USDOT number may result in a civil penalty of up to $16,000. Violating the order may also result in a criminal penalty, a fine of up to $25,000 and imprisonment less than a year.
Increase safety and stay on track with maintenance check-ups with GPS tracking management solutions. With detailed analysis and tracking mileage, vehicle maintenance will be an easier task. For more information we are happy to help you!