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November 30th, 2016

It’s the Most Dangerous Time of the Year



With the holiday season kicking off, it’s nearing the most dangerous time of the year for drivers on the road. As more travelers are on the road visiting family and the road condition worsens from winter weather, drivers’ patience slowly withers away.  This increases the risks of company drivers safely completing their deliveries on the road.

AAA estimates that nearly 95 million Americans will hit the road this year to visit family and friends on holidays, and that 27,900 will be in serious auto accidents. As such, it is important now more than ever that driver’s stay focused on the road, drive the speed limit and not get distracted by mobile devices.

The Road Safety Week survey found that nearly 79% of respondents admitted to taking risks while driving. Of those respondents 63% also confessed to speeding, and 13% admitted to distracted driving, such as texting and driving.

To help prevent accidents and decrease the chances of dangerous drivers on the road,, it’s important for fleet drivers to stay focused on the road, and drive safely. FieldLogix, our award-winning GPS fleet management system can help fleet managers keep track of their drivers road behaviors and make sure they arrive safely and on time.

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