Whether you operate a fleet for a multimillion-dollar company or run a local fleet, telematics can help every fleet manager run their vehicles with more efficacy. Here are the top ways to enhance your fleet:
Utilize Data
If you run a large fleet, it’s easy to get bogged down by the amount of data telematics makes available. Unless you need to know where every vehicle is every two minutes, use telematics to get an overall picture of how your fleet is performing. Whether you want to track idle time or improve fuel efficiency, a good telematics system can send alerts for specific prompts and highlight specific areas of overall concern.
Improve Security
Fleet managers operating large fleets might have a hard time ensuring vehicles aren’t used during non-work hours, which can increase maintenance costs and subject the company to potential lawsuits. Telematics can monitor fleet vehicles around-the-clock and produce information including usage, speed, location, and driving behaviors.
Integrate Systems
Companies often use multiple management systems. This can ultimately create problems with transferring important information, analyzing data, and learning new products. Use comprehensive fleet management software to have all the important data in one place.
Prevent Big Problems
In big fleets, small problems often go unnoticed and can add up to significant costs fast. With a solid fleet management system, it’s easier to stay on top of routine maintenance and address small problems as they come along before they grow into real problems that can cost the business.