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January 8th, 2014

Self-Driving Electric Cars Coming Soon


self driving vehiclesMost people can’t think about self-driving cars without feeling a little put off by the idea, even though they will supposedly be safer and more fuel efficient.  Self-driving cars will also have the added benefit of picking up passengers exactly when and where they want.

Gothenburg, Sweden will begin using self-driving cars in 2017 starting with 100 vehicles, Singapore is already testing driverless cars on a shuttle route at the Nanyang Technological University, and Nissan has successfully tested the driverless, electric LEAF in Japan.

In 2015, Britain will introduce an autonomous taxi service in Milton Keynes which is also indicative of the next movement in car sharing and fleet vehicles. As both self-driving and electric cars become more common, it’s only a matter of time before an established car sharing company expands to include electric, driverless automobiles.  Under most circumstances, these vehicles will be guided by the GPS system.