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January 11th, 2012

GPS Tracking System for Pets


cat-gps-tracking-system-collar-taggFind your lost pet quickly and easily from your computer or mobile device with a GPS tracking system for pets.

For most pet owners, there is nothing more heartbreaking than losing your pet.  Now with  a GPS tracking system for pets called Tagg,  you can keep your beloved pet safe by knowing where they are 24/7. The tracking system can alert  you if your dog or cat travels outside their designated safe areas.

Designed for both dogs and cats over 10 pounds, the Tagg™ pet tracking system consists of a durable, lightweight tracking device that snaps into your pet’s collar. It is tough and waterproof, it houses an advanced tracking system and has an impressive 30 day battery life.

Once you have the collar and set up an account with Tagg, it is easy to locate your pet using the Tagg GPS tracking system. All you have to do is download the free Tagg iPhone app. The app will not only show you the exact location of your pet, but will also give you directions to their current location.

Tagg’s pet GPS tracking system package itself costs $99 and consists of  a Tracker, Docking Station, Collar Clip Assembly, and Power Kit. It also includes the first month of tracking service free. After 30 days the service costs $7.95 per month.

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