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March 13th, 2012

GPS Fleet Tracking System Helps Dunphy’s Extermapest Cut Fuel Costs


Gas prices are typically low in winter, but not this year. On Monday the U.S. average price for a gallon of self-serve regular gas is $3.80, 30 cents more than one month ago, and 25 cents more than one year ago, according to the AAA Fuel Gauge Report.

Despite this year’s sky-high gas prices, Ron Dunphy, president of Dunphy’s Extermapest in Palm Springs, California has seen a significant reduction in his fuel costs since installing his FieldLogix GPS fleet tracking system last year.

Dunphy said, “Before implementing FieldLogix, when gas prices were much lower, I was spending $3,400 a month on fuel for my 10 vehicles. You won’t believe how much I’m spending now. ”

“After installing FieldLogix in my vehicles, I now spend $2,700 per month on fuel, even with higher gas prices!”

**These savings total $700 per month (or $8,400 per year!), which is more than double the amount he spends on the FieldLogix GPS fleet tracking system.**

Dunphy further stated, “I no longer have to turn down jobs because my guys tell me they are too busy when, in fact, they are just sitting at home. By knowing where they actually are, I can determine who can take what service call and bring in more revenue for my business”.

A GPS fleet tracking system can help to monitor workers, reduce fuel consumption, navigate shorter or better routes for drivers, track stolen vehicles, obtain discounts on insurance and offers other features such as time sheet reporting and mileage claims to enhance customer service and satisfaction.

FieldLogix is an advanced, yet affordable GPS fleet tracking system that provides real-time location updates for vehicles and construction equipment. It automatically monitors activities such as excessive engine idling, speeding, and personal use of company vehicles.

It has been described as “GPS on auto-pilot”, because users can create operating policies in the system and they will receive e-mail alerts when operators do not comply with these policies. This includes alerts for afterhours use, excessive speeding, and deviations from a specified operating schedule. In addition, it provides real-time location updates for vehicles and equipment and sends maintenance reminder alerts when they are due for service.

Reduce Operating Costs. By monitoring activities like speeding or excessive idling you can not only save fuel, but reduce damage done to the engine, brakes and tires. A typical fleet can cut gas costs by up to 20% and will see a positive ROI in less than 6 months.

Many insurance companies will provide a discount to fleets using a GPS tracking system.

Improve Customer Service. On average, fleets using a tracking system can typically complete at least one extra stop, job, or delivery per day.

For most industries, last minute changes to a driver’s schedule is common. With a fleet tracking system you can quickly and easily reroute the closest available driver, change the priority of his or her stops or simply send a quick message through their Garmin GPS fleet tracking system.

Reduce Fuel and Vehicle Maintenance Costs. A fleet tracking system can absolutely help to reduce your fuel costs. First, drivers will no longer get lost or stuck in traffic, and will always drive the most efficient route.  The Aberdeen Group concluded that GPS fleet tracking systems have helped companies reduce fuel costs by 13.2% on average.

The tracking system can monitor when each vehicle is due for maintenance based on actual miles driven. The tracking system can remind managers of vehicles needing service, and service reports provide a detailed maintenance checklist for your entire fleet.

Reduce Delays and Time Spent at Unauthorized Locations. Wouldn’t it be nice to not have for your employees to waste time and money sitting in traffic? With fleet tracking software you can not only track but easily establish a custom notification system for events like a driver going outside of a designated area. speeding or staying idle for too long.

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