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January 19th, 2011

Apps That Prevent Texting While Driving


texting while drivingWe all know that texting and driving is very dangerous. Drivers should always stay focused on the road ahead of them. A very famous and successful plastic surgeon drove off a cliff in Malibu last year (2010) because he was texting while driving. The accident demonstrates the very real danger of texting while driving, an activity that has reportedly spiked in recent years.

“I hear, almost daily, accounts of people who are injured while texting,” said Dr. Angela Gardner, president of the American College of Emergency Physicians. Gardner said “It has stopped being an oddity when we hear that someone was texting and has a wreck. Now it’s more of a fairly common occurrence…While sending out a status update during a leisurely drive may seem innocuous,  it only takes a moment for distracted drivers to become vulnerable.”

But occasionally situations occur when you are driving, and you need to send a text message, such as being stuck in traffic or you’re late for a meeting. Although we do not want to encourage texting while driving, here a couple apps that will make texting while driving safer:

Text messaging has been the primary source of communication between truck drivers, dispatchers and fleet management for many years. Fleet management relies on text messaging to stay in touch with their drivers at all times. When rerouting drivers or changing job priorities or text messaging has been the quickest and cheapest method of communication. In order to comply with recent text messaging laws, and to encourage safer driving habits, many companies have integrated a GPS fleet tracking system.

Read more here.