When many people think of Artificial Intelligence, they picture some extremely intelligent computer taking over all of humanity and bending us all to its will. In fact, AI has been used for years to help organizations become more successful and efficient. Today it is being used by savvy marketers to encourage you to buy new things and by medical professional to predict the spread of certain viruses. Many of us even have AI voice assistants in our homes that obey nearly all of our commands. AI’s biggest strength is in its ability to harness millions of points of data and using it to predict certain outcomes. While the human mind can typically correlate only a handful of variables that lead to an outcome, AI can correlate millions of variables to predict outcomes. Because of AI’s sophistication, it often leads to surprisingly accurate predictions that we would never expect.
AI in Fleet Management
Fleets that are connected to technology such as telematics generate millions of data points each month. These data points can be run through an AI model to predict certain outcomes. The outcomes can give fleet managers better insight to help them proactively manage their fleet. Some telematics providers are already using AI to predict mechanical failures and accident risk.
AI by FieldLogix
One example of AI in fleet management is the Crash Risk report developed by FieldLogix. The Crash Risk report uses AI to predict the likelihood that a driver could be involved in a crash during a 72 hour period. The AI model was built by examining all crash events that ever occurred vehicles equipped with a FieldLogix telematics device. We looked at the driver’s behavior leading up to the crash (i.e. speed, aggressive driving, etc) and various local weather factors when the crash occurred. We then run every vehicle in our system through the AI model each night to predict the drivers’ accident risk. This results in an accident probability rating during the upcoming 24 hours, 48 hours, and 72 hours. Fleets can use this data to coach risky drivers or modify their routes to avoid bad weather. We plan on expanding our use of AI to help our customers improve the health and safety of their fleets in the future.
AI’s Future
As we’ve all experienced over the past few years, very few things the future are certain. One thing that is certain is the fact that technologies like AI will be applied in many different areas. One of these areas is fleet management. Rather than being a force that submits you to eternal subserviency, it will help you become more proactive in managing your fleet to keep your drivers safe and vehicles on the road.
Learn more about how AI works at CSU Global.