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March 27th, 2012

U.S. Gas Prices Up 27 Cents in 30 Days

Gas Prices

gas pricesWhile crude oil prices have declined slightly, gasoline prices across the United States continue to rise.  On Tuesday the U.S. current national average price for a gallon of regular self-serve gasoline is $3.90, according to the AAA Fuel Gauge Report.

This price is six cents more expensive than one week ago, 27 cents more expensive than one month ago, and 32 cents more expensive than one year ago. The national average price at the pump has now risen for 18 consecutive days and has only declined on three of the past 60 days.

Gas prices have never been this high so early in the year. April’s gas prices are expected to be very close to, and possibly higher than, the U.S. record-high for gas prices – which is $4.11 per gallon, set in July 2008.

Across the country drivers continue to pay very different prices depending on where they live.

Motorists in eight states and the District of Columbia currently pay an average of more than $4.00 per gallon: Alaska, California, Connecticut, D.C., Hawaii, Illinois, New York, Oregon, and Washington State. While the lowest gas prices in the country are still found in Wyoming ($3.48) and Montana ($3.62), the gap between prices in these states and those found in some parts of the southeastern U.S. continues to narrow.

In addition to these regional disparities, more expensive reformulated gasoline (RFG) has meant that many metropolitan areas are seeing gas prices increasing more rapidly than in other parts of the same state. While no state average has set a new all-time record high this year, four metropolitan areas tracked on the AAA Fuel Gauge Report are currently paying all-time high prices at the pump: Hilo, HI – $4.71; Metropolitan Chicago – $4.51; Chicago (city) – $4.67; and Milwaukee-Waukesha, WI – $4.20.

If your family or your business has been affected by this year’s rising gas prices, then you may want to consider purchasing a GPS tracking system. A fleet GPS tracking system can provide an ROI in less than six months and immediately reduce fuel consumption.

In today’s tough economic climate, profit margins are slim and companies must implement as many cost-saving initiatives as possible. In order to stay competitive, companies have to look very closely at every penny spent. Utilizing a GPS tracking system can be one of the most cost effective means to manage and reduce fuel consumption. A GPS tracking system can help the average fleet reduce fuel costs by up to 20%.