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September 27th, 2010

Three Benefits of Green Fleet Management


green-fleet-fuel-management-pumpAccording the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), there are three compelling reasons to adopt a green fleet management  program for your fleet.  Operating a cleaner, greener fleet means more than counting the number of hybrids or alternative fuel vehicles you put on the road. Successful management means actively measuring and reducing your fleet’s greenhouse gas emissions over time. There’s no need to wait. You can get started today with relatively minor changes— vehicle selection, maintenance schedules and driver education—that add up to significant improvements in fuel economy, operating costs and emissions.

1) Cut operating costs—By improving efficiency, a greener fleet can significantly reduce lifecycle costs and vulnerability to volatile fuel prices.

2) Reduce greenhouse gas emissions—Because vehicles are a primary source of greenhouse gas pollution, fleet vehicle emissions can represent a large slice of your company’s total emissions. Implementing a green fleet program is an immediate and meaningful way to reduce your company’s carbon footprint.

3) Improve corporate reputation—With public concerns about climate change reaching all-time highs, companies are under increasing pressure to set and achieve environmental goals. Green fleet management can provide measurable results—often within the first 12 months—to report to employees, customers and shareholders.

Helping drivers improve their habits such as speed and idle time, and reducing total miles driven can significantly reduce toxic greenhouse gas emissions. Aside from buying more fuel efficient vehicles, a good GPS fleet management system  helps you to reduce fleet emissions in a three-way approach:

  • Reduce the miles traveled for some or all of your vehicles
  • Increase the miles per gallon by taking more efficient routes
  • Remotely monitor your emissions to make necessary vehicle adjustments

Monitoring and improving drivers’ habits such as speed and idle time, reducing miles driven by dispatching the closest vehicle, and decreasing personal use of company vehicles by monitoring off-hours or out-of-bounds usage can significantly help you decrease fleet fuel use and save money.