Louisville was just awarded a federal grant totaling $3.3 million which will be spent on five ZeroBuses. Since January, 10 of the traditional, diesel-fueled buses seen on Fourth and Main streets have been replaced by the all-electric, non-polluting buses.
The funds come from a new federal program, the Low and No Emission Vehicle Deployment Program, created to promote environmentally-friendly transit, including increased vehicle proficiency and decreased emissions.
In total, $55 million will be doled out among 10 cities nationwide. The announcement was made in Louisville since the city currently operates one of the largest ZeroBus fleets in the U.S. Barry Barker, executive director of the Transit Authority of River City, said the organization will match the federal grant to purchase more buses. One ZeroBus costs about $990,000. Additionally, a small portion of the funds will go towards a solar-panel roof for the bus storage facility as well as a third charging station.
Although it’s still unclear exactly how the buses will be used, according to Barker, “Passengers have told us they love the ZeroBus, and they can take it all around downtown. By expanding the fleet, more passengers will be able to enjoy the quiet ride, and everyone benefits from the zero emissions and cleaner air.”
By his estimates, the fleet has reduced emissions by roughly 2,000 pounds in just three weeks.