Have you ever wondered if your business is losing money because of doing things the way things have always been done? Carlos, owner of a local landscaping company, did.
Carlos’ team of 15 employees used paper time sheets for years to document their work hours for payroll reporting. In his words, these paper time sheets were based on an “honor system.” At his small company, each employee would document his/her work hours and submit the forms to payroll each week.
After some time of suspicion that the documented hours were not lining up with what actually took place in the field, Carlos decided to try a GPS tracking system for his company’s fleet vehicles.
After researching several different GPS tracking solutions, Carlos selected FieldLogix’ green GPS tracking solution. FieldLogix’ products offer a user-friendly interface, affordable hardware, extensive e-mail alert features, and driver behavior reports. As a green GPS tracking solution, FieldLogix’ alerts also notifies the administrator of afterhours use, excessive speeding, and or deviations from a specified operating schedule.
Upon installing a FieldLogix solution, Carlos’ suspicions were immediately confirmed. The activity reports found that his “honor system” was being abused. His small company quickly reduced its overtime labor costs by more than 2 hours per person per day – without a change in workload. Based on his calculations, he paid for the entire first year of the green GPS tracking system within 18 days. Carlos stated, “It dropped my labor costs by 35 – 45%.”
Carlos’ results are not unique. A study by the Aberdeen Group reports that companies that have implemented a GPS tracking system see a 13.4%, on average, reduction in overtime costs.